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Time Off Automation Implementation

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Alleviated the manual effort previously required to maintain time off balances and deductions,  This eliminated user error, paperwork and process overhead.  Provided visibility to employees not previously available when it came to viewing time off balances and deductions.

Business Value

  • Provided time off balance accuracy from an audit perspective.

  • Time previously utilized to maintain this process manually was now being allocated in more efficient ways.

  • Reduced paper usage and improved workflow.

  • Less time was being spent answering inquiries from employees.

  • Reduction in the number of manual adjustments to time off balances due to human error.

Role in Project
As a Payroll Specialist I performed/assisted in the following tasks:
Tasks Performed: Auditing the existing data, Performing adjustments based on Audit findings, Data File Preparation, Correspondence with Employees and Drafting Employee SOPs.

Assisted With: Import preparation, training employees, Documenting new department processes.
Worked with my Team to: Conduct UAT testing post import, assist employees with the transition and create a employee portal

Business Impact - Existing Processes 

These existing processes impacted every company employee classified as either Full Time or Part Time Benefits.  For Human Resources and Payroll below are the details of the manual processes that were performed in order to update, renew and request time off for over 500 employees.
Renewing Time Off

  • Calculated manually by Human Resources via excel sheet which was subject to file formula corruption, human error and lag in updating.

Deducting Time

  • Required a report to be run post payroll processing, this report was then used to manually subtract time off taken for each employee which was a time consuming process not executed in real time. 

Requesting Time Off

  • Requested manually by printing out a form that needed to be filled out, signed, then circulated to either the corresponding Supervisor or Human Resources via interoffice mail.  This process lead to forms getting lost occasionally resulting in delays in approval.

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Business Needs

  • Clean up/Audit of existing time off balances

  • Automation of time off processes (Renewing, Deducting and Requesting Time Off)

  • Time off data needs to be made reportable for Payroll and Human Resources.

  • Provide visibility to employees of time off balances, renewals, deductions and time off requests.

Implementation Process (Steps Executed)
1. Auditing Existing Time-Off Balances
Time Off balance ownership was transferred from Human Resources to Payroll.
An audit was then performed by Payroll on all the existing employees' time off balances for the last two years. Adjustments were identified and updated accordingly.
Once the audit was completed a data file was created then imported into the system then validated post import (UAT). 

2. Time Off Renewal Automation 
Business Rules were then identified in order to implement the renewal workflow.
Business Rules for Renewal
Note: Only sick days accumulate until they reach a maximum of 720 hours

Employee Status
Years of Service
Full Time
> 90 days
Full Time
1 year
Full Time
2 years
Full Time
3-4 years
Full Time
5-9 years
Full Time
10+ years
Part Time Benefits
1 year
Part Time Benefits
2+ years
Part Time No Benefits
Per Diem

For the system to calculate the appropriate balances for each employee a field needed to be utilized in the calculation.  Employees at any time can change their employee status (i.e. an employee can switch their status from full time to part time then back to full time) which doesn't affect their hire date.  With this scenario an employee's hire date could not be utilized for this calculation, a custom field was created and included in addition to their hire date.  This custom field was named seniority date is based on an employee's last change of employee status.  

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3, Time Off Deduction Automation
Once the balanced were uploaded to the Time and Attendance system automatic deductions could be begin.
If a user requested time off and that request was approved that time would immediately be deducted from the employee's balance.
When a supervisor added time off to an employee's time card this would also immediately reflect in their balance.

4. Time Off  Requests and View of Time Off Balances
Time off requests were converted to a paperless process. Viewing time off balances was also made available on demand.   Employees were now able to request time off and view time off balances in a multitude of ways via:

  • Mobile App

  • Web

  • Time Clock

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5. SOP Creation/Employee Training/Employee Portal
SOPs were created which documented the following processes and to assist employees in:

  • Requesting Time Off

  • Viewing Time Off Balances

  • Accessing Pay stubs

  • Approving Timecards

  • Approving Time Off Requests

  • Changing/Resetting passwords

  • How to Login

These SOPs needed to be placed within a centralized location.  The creation and housing of all of the newly created SOPs within a centralized location within the same portal being used to access time off and pay stubs made it easier from both a user perspective and maintenance/update perspective (for SOPs).  
Communication was then sent out to all employees of the new process and location of these SOPs.  Trainings were also provided for employees on an as needed basis.

6. Reporting
Non paid codes were created for reporting purposes (FMLA, WC etc.).  Reports were then created in order to perform analysis.  With this data being made readily available in reporting more insight was able to be provided on the following areas in a more time efficient manner: Sick Leave (FMLA), Workman's Comp, Time Off usage/Time Cashed out etc.

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